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Search Engine Optimization - SEO

Dengan layanan ini Anda dapat mengetahui bagaimana caranya meningkatkan popularitas situs Anda.
Digital Point keyword suggestion tool
Digital Point keyword suggestion tool – free web based tool which compares Wordtracker and Overture search frequencies.
Google Keyword Sandbox
Google Keyword Sandbox – shows related search terms but not search quantity.

Google Search Suggestion Tool
Google Search Suggestion Tool – auto-completes search queries to help you find more related search terms.
Ontology tool
Ontology tool – finds related keywords using

General SEO Tools
There are many various tools which help make the job of SEO quicker. These are some of my more commonly used tools. All the tools in this section are free.
Digital Point keyword ranking, backlink, and PageRank checker
Digital Point keyword ranking, backlink, and PageRank checker – I use this tool to view my position for various websites in Google, Yahoo!, and MSN. It also helps me hypothesize some of the ways they may have changed their algorithms.
Yahoo! Tracker
Yahoo! Tracker – tracks keyword rankings in Yahoo!
Top25Web PageRank
Top25Web PageRank lookup – shows PageRank (good to use when the toolbar is broken)
Top 10 Google analysis
Analysis of the characteristics of the top 10 pages for a given keyword in Google's results.
Pagerank search
Useful to select the pages on which to ask for adding one's link because the results are ordered according to the pagerank of the pages.

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